Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tubing with the Wing's!!

  One hot afternoon, the Wing's (Brian, Suzanne, Morgan and Miles) invited us out to their house to do some tubing. None of the boys have tried this before, and were a little nervous. Morgan said he would go with them, and Suzanne went really slow.
  Morgan is on Jeremy's basketball team, Brian is in a Bible study with Jeremy, and Suzanne and I are also in one together too!

Of course, it didn't take them too long to get over being nervous, and just have a blast!

When we got to the middle of the lake, they did some swimming.
They were all a little scared of the deep water, but got use to it pretty quickly!



Morgan and Jeremy jumped in there with them, and cooled off!


Jaxon just floating
Jonah tried for like 5 minutes to get up here by himself, and it didn't work...
Jeremy's face is so funny in this picture, it looks like Hayden farted or something!
They also were jumping off the tube, and the boat.



Hayden loves being with Morgan...he thinks he's pretty cool! Morgan is so good with him too, he just lets him jabber his ear off  :)



Headed back to the house, they wanted Dad to get on with them. It was kinda crowded, and lopsided, but they made it work!


Jonah with his "I'm bored, can we go faster?" pose!






My favorite 2 of the day....all 4 of my guys having a blast together! Thanks so much for having us out Brian, Suzanne, Morgan and Miles! It was a great day, and such a fun 1st time tubing for the boys!

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