Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rogness Reunion

Every 4 years the Rogness family gets together for our big family reunion. It's usually out at Inspiration Point Bible Camp, and lasts for the weekend. This year because we live so close, and were so busy, we decided to just go for the day, on Saturday.
All of us in 2011, the 7 different families!
It was so fun to hang out with my aunts, uncles and cousins, who I don't get to see very much! We have fun together, and are a little silly too :)

Here is the Richard Rogness Family

My Grandpa's 4 brothers, Rollin, Burdean, Kenny and Glenn.
With spouses...makes me miss Grandpa!!
I just love my Grandma's face in this picture (she's in the purple shirt)!
1st Cousins
 Rollin Rogness Family
Kenny Rogness Family
Lavern Rogness Family
Burdean Rogness Family
Glenn Rogness Family
My Grandpa's sister's Family
Hanging out
Catching up...with lots of coffee available of course :)

Some of the best Rogness's around!
One of the kids there was showing Jonah what he learned this summer!

Jonah being Jonah.....

We played some beach volleyball

Went swimming, even though it was cold, just to try the slide!
Hayden and Jeremy
The camp has lots of things to do, and the boys really wanted to try the paddle boats. So Grandpa took Jaxon and Jonah on one.

And Jeremy took Hayden on another...
After a great supper, we had a little time together. We were suppose to be ready to share a family talent, a few sang, one had a little devotional, and we also had a Minot flood update, because Rollin and some of his family lost a lot in that flood. It was great to see some pictures, and know what to pray for.
We relied on Jonah for our families talent, and he broke out some of his break dancing moves in front of a lot of people! He was pretty nervous, but Jeremy sat up there by him, and helped him along.


The worm!
At the end, some of the kids came up and lead us in 'Jesus Loves Me'. It was a great way to end the evening!
It's crazy how much changes in 4 years! Can't wait to see everyone at the next one!


CJ Olson said...

I wish that we could have been there. It's my favorite getting to see everyone & hanging out as a family..maybe one year.

Andrea Knick said...

You will get there one year!! We missed you though, for sure! We have to beat out the LaVern family, in attendance one of these years! Next one, we should all try to make sure we are all there!