Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Friday, November 4, 2011

An African Memory

I was looking through my Mom and Dad's pictures on their computer, and came across this one! I love it, it was such a fun find, and totally took me back to Africa! This is in our backyard, our house is off to the right, and you can see a little bit of my favorite tree, that I use to climb, and read in all of the time. This is a termite hill, sounds fun huh....but it was the best clay for making pots, and other fun things! It was really small when we first moved in, but it just kept getting bigger! And by the way, all of our houses were made of brick, so there were no termite problems! In back of us is my best friends house, that is where I learned to do everything she did, cook, clean, take care of her baby sisters, and even how to carry them on my back! I was a little African most days :) Makes me miss living there SO much...can't get much better for a kid! Jon is so cute here, and I have a wonderful haircut (not!!). It's a fun memory!

1 comment :

CJ Olson said...

Those memories are so awesome! I love being able to look back at pictures....but the stories that go along with the pictures mean so much more!! Love you...

That termite hill is SO huge!!