Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Once again....Hair----No hair!!

The before pic!!
Jonah has been begging me for a few days now to shave his hair like daddy! He just wouldn't give it up, so daddy gave in! He has been particularly sensitive to what Jesse is going through. He is always wanting to pray for Jesse and wanted to be like dad and support Jesse by shaving his head! It was pretty cute!! Hayden wanted to join in the fun too, but Jax decided to keep his hair!
Here we go, with Jonah!

This is a good look! We can use this later in life!

All done!

Here goes Hayden
Again, a good look!

All done with #2

Aren't they cute together???

The finished product!


H said...

I hope Ty is as sensitive as Jonah is when he gets older! What a sweetheart!

Brooke said...

It's very sweet that they wanted to help support Jeremy's friend! Good for you for not being totally against the bald look!

CJ Olson said...

Your kids make me smile! They are the sweetest kids I know! I can't wait to see you all this weekend! It should be GREAT FUN!!