Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Monday, March 2, 2009

The first party in our new house!

It is crazy, but Jonah will be five a week from today! We had a great party at our new house, it was a big deal to be the first one with the honors!
It is rare when Jonah gives us a good smile for the camera, he's always making a silly face or doing some pose, but today he had tons of great smiles. Plus he actually opened all of his cards first, before touching any of the gifts. I didn't know patience came as a gift @ 5 yrs old, pretty impressive!!
Now it's present time!

As you can see it was a Spiderman theme, he was everywhere!
He got all the candles out after a few tries!
Spiderman pose!
Aren't they cute??
Trying the spiderman web blaster! He got to do it into the shower cause it was a messy clean up, but oh so fun!!

**Jonah and mom worked on thank-yous after the party, here they are....**

Thanks great grandpa's and grandma's for the cards and money, I will try to spend it wisely!
Thanks grandpa Kevers, grandma J. and aunt Britt for the spiderman gear:
Mask, web blaster and water blaster. Spiderman shirt and shorts, which I have not taken off since the party!! I even slept in them!!

Thanks uncle Nathan and Amber for the cool flying robot, as I (Jonah) call it!!
Thanks grandpa Matt and grandma Judy for the MP3 player, comfy headphones and shirt to match. By the way, I have been grooving to it non-stop since dad got my favorite songs on it, which include Newsies, Go Fish and Star Wars!

Thanks to everyone for coming, I had a great birthday!! ---Jonah


Brooke said...

It looks like it was a blast!

Dan and Christine Lawson said...

It looks like you all had a great time together! So fun to see pictures and to see Jonah so photgenic! Do you guys want to come over this Sunday for pizza after church?