Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A belated birthday!

Jaxon was watching me look for pictures for Jonah's birthday post and asked if I had made one for his b-day! So, since I hadn't started our blog at the time of his b-day, here are some pics of Jaxon and his party. His birthday was on Nov. 9th, and he turned seven!
His favorite snack is chips and salsa!

He is a huge Peterson fan!

Seven years ago to now.....

It's hard to believe that he is seven! It has gone way to fast! Jaxon is such a good boy and big brother. He has been through a ton in his seven years, but God has always been there for him along with lots of great family and friends, who never stop praying! Thank you all!!

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