Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Monday, October 5, 2009

Behind again.....

I am so late on this again, and I am sorry! I should have posted right after we got home, but life was just too crazy. So here we are, a week and a half after his appointments, but I guess it is better than nothing.
Jaxon's appointments were all pretty good, nothing really new or exciting, which is good. We left right after school on Thursday, and got to our hotel around 9pm. Jaxon really wanted to go into the hot tub, so he and I did that, while Jeremy worked out.
We had to be @ Mayo at 7:15am for his injections, which went well. He woke up really fast, and felt pretty good (he's getting use to this by now!!). Dr. Mason put cortisone in both wrists and both knees, he also took some fluid out of both knees, too. We saw Dr. Mason later in the day, he wasn't thrilled with the fact that Jaxon hasn't grown at all, for a while now. He has been on a really low dose of steroids for a while now, and we were hoping that he had stretched a little. He also is on the highest dose of almost all of his medications, and we aren't seeing much from any of them. They are all acting kinda like a band aid, keeps the real bad stuff away, but isn't doing a whole lot to put out the fire. We will just see how it goes these next few months, and take it from there. There is the (sort of) bad news, but there was some good news. Dr. Mason did tell us about a new drug, that hasn't even been released yet. He is going to a convention about it in the next few weeks, and we are hopeful it will be something to help Jax, even more. It is given through an IV, so that will be very different, and it is especially made for Jaxon's type of JRA (Systemic onset). The other good news, that we didn't know until this week, is that the cortisone shots in his knees worked really well. He has been feeling less pain, and they are starting to look like normal knees. Lately they have been so huge and swollen, they are bigger than his thighs, which looks so hurtful! So that is a big YAY for Jax right now!
When we go back this winter (probably in Jan.), we will be seeing an endocrinologist, to get them in the loop about his growth. They probably won't do anything until 4th or 5th grade, but we need to have them in on this, to make sure we are doing everything we can for him. We will also do any injections that he needs, these injections will be a regular thing for him now. By doing these, he won't have to go up on steroids, therefore he will have more chance to grow.
That's about all from his appointments, we didn't get home until 9pm or so, because of traffic....it was horrible! Thanks to all of you who prayed for Jaxon, we are so blessed to have you and God, on our side! My volleyball team prayed for him at their game on Thursday, and dedicated their game to him, he felt pretty special!!!

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