Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, I certainly did not walk, with my children, up to school (which is right up the hill), in the pouring rain, to watch Monday Night Football. Nope not me, I wouldn't drag my boys up there in the cold and rain, just to watch a little bit of the Big Game. I would be responsible and stay home in our warm, dry home, and listen to the game!

I didn't laugh like crazy, the other day, when my youngest asked one of the funniest questions that I have heard, since becoming a mom. I will tell you the whole story.....first, Hayden has been hurting in the private area, for awhile now. Because of all he's been through, we have had keep and eye on things, and not let things go too long. Second, he also had a dentist appointment this last week too, so that is the set up for our conversation.....Hayden--"Mom, are we going to the dentist?" Me--"No, we are going to make sure your pee pee is okay." Hayden--" Oh, so we are going to a pee pee appointment?" Me--"Yes, I guess." Hayden--"So then Mom, are there going to be pictures of pee pee's at the pee pee appointment?" Me-- no comment, cause I was laughing too hard! NOPE, it was not I who continued to laugh, for way to long, instead of keeping quiet, so my son didn't think he was so funny!! It did make sense, cause in the dentist office, there are tons of pictures of teeth. So really why wouldn't he think he would see the other pictures??

1 comment :

Dan and Christine Lawson said...

This is so funny! I hadn't read it until now. What a hilarious comment by Hayden. What a sharp little mind he has! Hope to see you soon.