Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Thursday, September 24, 2009

No Pic Post

I should probably write a quick up-date on our lives, while I am at home alone, and have the time. It has been a crazy start to the school year, we have been running like crazy, just like everyone else, I'm sure!!
Volleyball has kept me busy, it's been a ton of fun, and the season is already half over, it goes so fast! We have a great bunch a girls this year, they are a lot of fun.
Jeremy has been pretty tired each evening, after a day of 25 first graders! They are a lively bunch of kids, but I'm sure they will all get the hang of things soon, and start settling down. He also turned 30 on the 18th!! A big birthday, for him. I was going to try to blog about it and add pics, but it has just been way to crazy. So, HAPPY Belated 30th Birthday to my hubby!
Jax has had a hard start to his school year. He has been in his wheelchair most days, at least to start the day. He usually starts to feel better around lunch time and can move around a little better. I guess it caught Jeremy and I off guard a little bit. We know he hurts during the summer, but we don't have to push him in the morning, and he gets plenty of rest. So when school started, we really noticed how much pain he actually is in, especially in the morning. His teacher is so understanding and helpful, which has been a huge blessing! He loves school, and does really well, but it's hard for him to want to go in the mornings, when he's in so much pain! Today we leave for Rochester, after school. He has 3 appointments tomorrow starting @ 7am. First, he has his cortisone injections right away @ 7am. Then, he has an appointment with a hand therapist, to make sure we are doing all we can for his hands. This is a new part of his body that has been affected, recently. His wrists and fingers are really hurting, and that is affecting school, with all the writing he does now. So, this will be good help for him! Our last appointment is with Dr. Mason, his rheumatologist. It will be a really quick, but packed trip. I am so glad that Jeremy is able to go with us, it would be so hard to do these trip without him!
On to Jonah and Hayden, they have been doing great in school these last few weeks. Jonah loves kindergarten, and is so excited to learn to read! That is something he has been looking forward to all summer.
Hayden has had a little bit of a hard time with school, but is coming around. He has been crying when I leave, which is so hard for me! He is really the only one out of the three, who has been this way. Jaxon and Jonah really didn't care that I left them, but Hayden is just a little different. Maybe it's because he's the baby, or because he has been through a lot as a little one, I don't know, but it is just as hard on me, as it is on him!! The last few days has been lots better.
Now you are updated, and I will have more info for you, after all Jaxon's appointments.

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