Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Career Day and Jump Rope for Heart....

It is "I love to read" month at school and they have been dressing up on Fridays in different fun themes. This week it was, "what you want to be when you grow up", and Jaxon wanted to be just like his dad! He dressed in khaki's and a nice shirt along with dad's staff card and his notebook and pen. He was pretty excited to be like dad!

On Friday Jaxon also was involved in Jump Rope for Heart. He raised money and jumped all the P.E. hour. He loves to jump rope! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma's and Nathan for helping so Jaxon could jump!

This last pic is pretty cute! The boys came up,said they were in a marching band, and marched all around the house! They have a blast playing together!

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