Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Saturday, February 8, 2014

This past week

***Weird but this just converted to a draft, and looks like I never posted it?? So I will put this up again...I wrote it Feb. 2nd, so who knows??***

This past week has been a hard one on Jax. He has been in another one of his weird episodes since Wednesday morning. This is his 3rd one since Jan. 1st, and this one has defiantly held on the longest. He has really bizarre symptoms, that we are still trying to figure out. He is VERY weak, hardly able to even move around. Has a bad headache that won't go away.  Doesn't talk or smile, his eyes are droopy, his lips are swollen, he is dizzy, confused (except this time wasn't as bad as the last time) like not knowing where he is, slow when he talks and hardly can hear him, very pale, and sleeps all the time! It is very hard to know what to do to help him, and it is hard to watch day in and day out. He is even having a hard time keeping his mouth shut, and his nose isn't stuffy or anything. It has been hard on all of us, even his brothers...they just want the old Jaxon back. Jax has been going to be by 7pm, and they just want him to stay up and watch a movie with them, but even that is too hard for him.
I talked to his Neurologist on Friday and we just wanted to check in with each other to make sure that we shouldn't make a trip down to Rochester. She felt that he would be okay to wait until he is scheduled, only because when we were there and saw the ophthalmologist, he felt like his optic nerve in both eyes werent swollen at the time, therefore there wasn't super scary swelling on the brain. If Jaxon doesn't come out of this by Monday, we will probably change that, and head down. I SO hope he comes out of it, just for his sake, he isn't himself in the least! 
We also changed our plans on when we are gonna head down for the next round of appointments....they were scheduled to be on Feb.5th, 6th and 7th, but Dr. Mason is going to be gone on a mission trip, so we moved everything back a week. If Jax starts to come out of this, and we can hang on, we will be heading down the 10th, maybe after school, so we are there and ready for Hayden's last tests, and appointments on the 11th, Jaxon's spinal tap, cortisone shots, and appointments on the 12th, and his EEG, adrenal tests, and appointments on the 13th, and then head home. It will be another packed few days, but hopefully ones packed with answers, and plans for both of them.
 My Mom and Dad are going to be gone that week on vacation, so my friend Jill Winkles is going to come with us. I am excited to have her along, she will be a GREAT help! I am also happy that my Mom gets to have a little break from this one. It is a lot for her dealing with my kids, and this time me too, with being sick and all. I know she wants to do it, but it has got to be hard on her too, watching not only your grandchildren going thru this but also your daughter! She is amazing and I am SO thankful that she and Dad are always there when I need them!

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