Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hayden's Day 2/11/14

Hayden was up first on our long trip to Rochester. We had come down the night before just so we would be ready to go in the morning, it was a pretty easy trip down. Jill and Jaxon stayed at the hotel during Hayden's test and just relaxed, which of course Jaxon loved! Hayden was just happy that I was coming with him this time, since at the last set of tests I was with Jaxon, and couldn't get out of that appointment to be with him.
Hayden did an awesome job of staying still and doing what needed to be done for his VCUG. This test is lots of x-rays while his bladder is being filled and emptied with a contrast liquid so you can see what it looks like on the film. He did a great job of letting them fill it, and then going to the bathroom when they needed him too, it is kinda weird but I was really proud of him, and they got lots of good pictures :) He was rewarded by some fun prizes.
That was all for the morning...we went back to the hotel and just hung out a little till we were ready to go over to Great Grandma Knick's. We had tried to see her last time we were down to Rochester, but between all of the appointments, added appointments, and me getting sick, we ended up not being able too. So I was glad that we were able to see her this time. We also saw Jeremy's uncle Steve, who was in town visiting Grandma. We went to Canadian Honker for lunch and just chatted a little there. It was a nice time!
Next up was to see Hayden's Urologist, Dr. Grandburg. She is SO nice, and had said that his test from the morning confirmed what she thought was wrong. The neck of his bladder is not working properly, and hasn't since the surgery over a year ago. She did bring in another option for something to try with him. She said that she could do an out-patient procedure that would involve going thru a catheter (not in his belly), with a camera, and just checking things out all around, then leave a sugar-like glue in the open sphincter that would block any urine from passing thru. This is a pretty easy procedure, and would just be like Jaxon getting cortisone injections. He would be able to go home that day, and he would have the catheter in for 2 full days, then I could just pull it out at home. The only draw back to the procedure is that there is only a 25% chance that it would work. We would probably know if it was gonna take or not by the time we were into the summer a little, and still be able to have the surgery when we were planning if it failed.
So with all of that info, Jer and I have to decide if it is worth a try, or just get the surgery done in July. Hayden has NO desire to do the procedure at all. He is pretty adamant  about it, but I think it is just because it is something else that is unknown and that is scary! He said the same thing about the surgery in general the last time we were there, and now is all ready for it, so I am sure with a little talking thru he will be fine, if we decide to do it.
That is where we stand with Hayden, and if we decide to go ahead with that procedure, we will be doing it on March 14th, in the morning. I scheduled it just in case, and we can always cancel if we decide against it. Hayden is just a waiting game right now, along with trying to get him regular as far as his BM's go too, that has been giving him lots of problems lately.
Doesn't he look cute in his blues? He thought his hair looks too messy here though...he is so funny about his hair. He also LOVED the socks that he got to keep, and wears them all the time :) Who knew hospital socks were a cool thing?
The end of  DAY #1....

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