Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

An afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa

 While Jeremy and I got to spend an evening out, the boys hung out with Grandma and Grandpa.
 They climbed trees...
Love Jonah's face :)

Great pic of Jonah and Hayden!
Then some fun shooting the BB gun, for the 1st time. Grandpa had pop cans that the could use for a target, they went threw so many cans, that Grandpa even let them go get full cans from the fridge!

 Hayden, our lefty

 Jaxon loved shooting the BB gun, he spent the most time with it.



And some swinging on the old tire swing....
 Across the street from my Mom and Dad's, my cousin owns a lot that has lots of trees, and places to explore. The boys call it "LaWayne's Park". They have spent a lot of time there this summer, the tire swing is there, along with a garage that they shot their BB gun behind.

 This is a great picture of Jaxon!

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