Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July with family! We spent the whole day at Grandma and Grandpa's house doing tons of different things...We ate lots of good food, went slip-n-sliding, had some fun with the BB gun, and set off a lot of fire works! But the best thing of all, was just relaxing...we just hung out, with nothing pushing us. It was wonderful!
My favorite picture of the summer!

 Having fun beating the heat

Hayden wanted me to take a picture of his feet, they looked like hobbit feet :)
Jaxon LOVED the BB gun, he spent every minute he could just walking around trying to hunt (what all normal boys should do!). He came running up to the house telling us to come see what he got. It was a garter snake, that he got right in the head. We had to get a picture of his "1st kill", as he called it!
Hayden's turn

Even Dad got to try
Jonah's turn

Just hanging out...


Dad checking his phone :)
Jonah was SO sweaty after only running around for a couple minutes, it was pretty hot out!!

We started our fire works with sparklers

They had so much fun, and had so many to light, causes both Mom and I got a couple packs!

Jeremy as Wolverine from "The X Men" movie. If you look back to our 4th of July pictures from last year you will see that Jeremy wore the exact same shirt. Kinda funny, but it was washed since then ;)

The colorful sparklers (from Grandma)...
I kinda like the smoky affect.
Jeremy's ready to start the bigger fire works....
Jaxon helped him out!
They were all so pretty!
It was a great end to a great day!

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