Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Graduation Day

The last day of school for Jonah, was a pretty special one! He graduated from Kindergarten, and had a big program. They really do it big here in Ashby, it's pretty cute, and fun!
All of the kids walked in to "Summer of 69" , at first just walking, then they paused put their sunglasses on, and danced their way up to stage. It was pretty cute! 
Jonah and his teacher, Mrs. Welch
Mom, Jonah and Dad
Jonah and his friends. Above he is with Ethan, and below he's with Sam H.
Jonah, telling us his favorite memory of kindergarten
The kindergarten class sang some great songs!
Here is Jonah walking down, with his shades on! He was a little embarrassed, but he did a great job. He got all the way to his seat, on stage, when we heard his classmates remind him to do his dance.....he got to the middle and did some of his break dancing!! It was great, he did such a great job, and everyone clapped for him!
They all drew a picture of their favorite activity to do in the summer. Jonah's was fishing!
The stage was all decorated, with summer activities, and toys, it was so cute! Mrs. Welch did a great job, with it all! Afterward, they had a little reception upstairs too!

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