Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Painting with friends!

We got to go paint our house this weekend, which was really fun!! Dan, Christine and Isaiah Lawson came to help us, which was a huge help! Isaiah came along and was such a good boy, he just hung out with us and was pretty happy the whole time! We started at about 11am and worked until about 5:30pm. We got so much done. The whole kitchen, dinning and living room are one color. And the hallway and entry way are a shade darker. It was really great to get all of that done, plus we got to do it before the carpet went down and the counter tops weren't glued down yet so we could move them out to paint. So that made it so much easier!
Isaiah is such a cute little boy and I loved to get to know him more! He loves to smile and cuddle, he is such a good little boy!
Dan getting ready to finish this wall, it all seemed to go so fast with the 4 of us painting.
Christine did most of the edging which is not the easy part!
Isn't he so cute!
What...??? Jeremy was ready to go home. This was at the end of our day and we were pretty tired!
Here is the final product of our painting. As you can see we have cabinets and our floors in the kitchen and entry way! It really is getting close, I can't wait!! They said the carpet will go in by the 30th and everything else will be done by the 3rd of Feb. or so. We will be closing on the 11th or 12th of Feb. but we are trying to get our stuff in there the weekend of the 7th and 8th. We probably won't get in there until after we close because of our trip to Rochester on the 9th and 10th. February is getting busy really fast!

Can we move in now??


Dan and Christine Lawson said...

The house ended up looking so beautiful and the painting really turned out so great! We had a wonderful time being with you and Jeremy. What a great memory! Thanks for the fun day and for getting us out of the house!! Isaiah had a great time getting to know you more too!

Brooke said...

It looks amazing!

How nice to have the Lawson's join in the fun of painting! We can't wait to see the final product when you have made it your home!

CJ Olson said...

Eeeekkkk.....it's so close!! How exciting that you will finally be in your house! I love the beautiful colors that you've picked out! I'm glad that you had help painting your house! Isaiah looked like he had fun hanging out with you!!