Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Basketball Game-Go Daddy!!

We went to Jeremy's basketball game on Thursday night. It was the first one with Jeremy as the Ashby boys JV coach, that we were able to go to. It was at Hillcrest, here in Fergus so we didn't have to go very far. Here is Jeremy in a huddle with his guys. They lost this game but they played really good and kept the game close.
Jonah and Hayden were in there matching jackets from Grandma J. I love this pic with dad in the background coaching.
Jonah was trying to get Hayden to look at mom.
Jonah was dancing and wanted me to take his picture! What a face, I love it!!
Jaxon wasn't feeling to great that night and was sad that dad's team lost!

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