Jaxon and Hayden's Medical Story

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane............

In 13 hours we will be taking off to Florida, landing in Orlando @ about 2:30pm. We are so excited, we can hardly contain ourselves! We got all our packing done with plenty of time to spare.
Please keep us in your prayers these next few days. Especially for Jaxon, that the long, exciting trip wouldn't cause a bad flare up. We have been praying that he would feel great, so he could enjoy everything about this trip!
Also those of you who are around the Fergus area, keep and eye out for an article in the Daily Journal about Jaxon and his big trip. They were here today to interview us, and we hope what came across is that no matter what, God is always there, and cares about you. He cares that we have been through a lot as a family, and Jaxon has been through a lot, for a 7 year old. He has blessed us with so much already, and now we all get to go on this awesome trip together, as a family. What a cool God we have, He even wants us to have fun! It will be something we will always remember.
We will be outa here till next week, and are not bringing our computer, so I will post tons of pictures when we get back!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just one more post....

I know... this is just way to many pics for one night, I think this makes 6 posts. I just couldn't resist this one, and I even almost forgot it! These pics are of Jonah, and Amber's brother, Michael. Jonah found his new best friend, he loved this guy!
Jonah loves to dance and listen to music, especially breakdancing (or at least sort of, it actually started with the Disney movie "Newsies") Michael has a breakdancing ministry, when Jonah heard that, his only mission for the weekend, was to see if Michael would teach him some moves. The boys were getting really tired, a little bit into the reception, and my parents were going to take them home, so Michael took some time to see what Jonah could do, and show him his moves! We had tried to do it the day before, but Jonah was just too shy. So that is what all these pics are, them breakdancing! Isn't that so cute, and so nice of Michael to take the time to do that for Jonah? He told us when we got home that his new nick name is Michael. The night before, @ the groom's dinner, he went up and talked to him all by himself, and when we were on our way home, he told me that he was "thinking about to hug Michael" after he said goodbye! Michael certainly made a great impression on our little boy!

Here they are doing the 6 step together
Jonah blew us all away with what he could do! Here he is doing a handstand and into some other move, that I have no idea what it's called??
The 6 step
Jonah had just finished his cartwheel here... that has a cool name to it too, which I can't remember, either?
Michael showing Jonah some moves

Nathan and Amber's Wedding Day..... Part #1- Getting Ready

Judi was the first one to start her hair at the salon that morning. We all met at the salon at about 9am, which was so much fun just being together! Our Bride was next in line....Brittney and Amber's cousin, Brittney were next. But I didn't get to take a pic of them, cause Amber and I needed to run and get to her next stop....makeup! We were a little late, but we made it work!!
The start of beautiful hair!

Judi's done, and it looked beautiful!

Look at how gorgeous her hair is!!
The beautiful bride about to get her makeup done!

The Wedding Day....Part # 2- The Ceremony

The Vows

So here it is..... the big moments! It was such a beautiful ceremony, and it was so much fun to be apart of! Thanks Nathan and Amber for having all of us be apart of your special day! I will tell you a little bit of the run down, cause there were some pretty special events. I wish I had taken more pics of the actual ceremony, but I was too busy watching it all happen, and keeping and eye on my little guys (who did so awesome, by the way!)
The first part of the ceremony was the message, and a song. Michael had the message, which was incredible, he did such a wonderful job. Brittney sang "Deeply in Love with You", backed up by the other 2 singers, Mary Lisa and her husband Brent (who also sang their own song during the sand pouring). It was AMAZING, the best I have ever heard Brittney sing! Then they moved onto their vows and rings....Jeremy and Nathan, had concocted a plan using cell phones, to tell Nathan that the rings were in his pocket. I was a little embarrassed, but everyone laughed, which was the goal I guess (oh what did Amber marry into??? ). After Mr. and Mrs. were properly announced, they all walked off to the theme song of "The Last Star Fighter". The boys did so well, I was a little worried about Hayden, but he did great too! Of course I cried when they all walked together down the aisle. They were perfect, with Jaxon in the middle to keep track of Hayden. Jaxon woke up Sat. morning hurting some, but determined to stand up there the whole time, and he did it! Hayden and Jonah came down to sit for a little bit, then were back up to walk out with their bro and the rest of the party! We had so many people compliment them on how wonderful they did. Needless to say, we were pretty proud parents!!

The Groomsmen and Best Boys ( that is what Nathan called them in the program, we loved the name!)
Nathan waiting for his bride
My handsome boys, making their mom so proud!

Picture time.....
Nathan and Amber didn't want to see each other before the wedding, so we had the pictures right after the ceremony. Now we have our Christmas pictures all done!

Our Family

This is one of my favorite ones of the day!

My handsome boys again, I don't think they could get any cuter!

Here come the Men in Black!



Dad and his pals

With aunt Bert!

The Wedding Day....... Part #3- The Reception

Us girls....and the beautiful bride!

We had a lot of fun @ the reception, even if the park reception that the bride and groom really wanted, didn't work out! It started to rain at about 11:30am, so they had to make the call for it to be in doors. We had soft serve ice cream & bars, for dessert. A handmade Dr. Pepper fountain (made by Nathan) gave us our drinks. We also had great music to listen and dance to!

My handsome hubby and I

Some great pics of Britt and I & Judi and I. They both looked wonderful!

Jeremy and I attempting to dance for a second or two....didn't work out too well, I just don't dance!

Judi and Kevin did a much better job!

The music was provided by Jeremy and Nathan's great uncle Duane, and a friend of his. Polka is their specialty, it was a so much fun!

Jeremy sharing his "Best Man" speech, it made us all laugh!
Jeremy on a chair, for what you may ask???

The boys were pretty excited to get out of their jackets and eat some ice cream!
They so cute, even in just their vests!

Wedding Rehearsal

We started the day off in Alex. on Friday, with trying on the boy's tuxes. They were so cute already, I couldn't wait to see them @ the wedding!

The boys and Brittney waiting for the rehearsal to start
We started the night off with prayer
Special wedding guests

The wedding party
The boys got set
Running through the ceremony and vows

The girls side
The guys side
Dad and his boys! Aren't they cute??